Sunday, November 18, 2007

First Ever XSI Walk!

Here's hoping I've uploaded the video correctly...
This is my current Walk Cycle, first test, and very first Cycle done in XSI! I'm pretty happy with it, but I want to try other walk styles soon as well. Please feel free to comment or critique the walk! Anything to make it better will be great!

Friday, September 7, 2007

Sick of Whales

For my 3DAM class at the Center, we were assigned to model, texture, rig and possibly animate a humpback whale. Well, I decided to take it to a higher level and came up with this:

This is called a Kronosaurus, one of the largest of the dinosaurs known as plesiosaurs. Basically since no one has truly seen one, it was convenient that most of it's anatomy was left to the imagination. It took me quite some time to finish, considering it is my very first true model, with my own hand drawn texture, so I am proud to call it a success.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Most of the people within The Center may recognize my art before they know the artist. Well, for those who have been wondering who had painted the famous Davy Jones, you may now have a face to the name.

Originally beginning as a Digital Painting 100 assignment, this portrait took me roughly 24 hours worth of effort to complete, and was the first great creation to emerge from my mind/hands since attending CATO. I began with an initial drawing, on an 11' by 14' bristol sheet, then scanned it into Photoshop, fixing minor mistakes to the design. Afterwards, I continued to labour over it with the help of several reference images to get the shading and lighting right. Adding the recognisable dual black lines of Widescreen, the painting looked close to a screenshot.

Considering there seemed to be alot of work involved, and my previous art was less than par, many were sceptical of my achievement. With the advice of my peers, I took a screenshot of the layers, and am intending to make an MOV of the actual image, ascending through layers.
I hope everyone enjoys it, as I greatly did making it, and I hope to concoct many more for your enjoyment in the future!

It's about time.

Alrighty, I shall be putting my art upon this site from here on out, but I'll be keeping it to either really well done pieces, and school related projects such as PASE's and Drills.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Welcome to my Blogspot. My name is Jennifer Hatch and I am currently attending the Center for Arts and Technology Kelowna Campus in the 3D Game Animation programme. In this blog I'll be posting, in chronological order, artwork that I have created while attending "The Center". Feel free to comment or criticize my work as any opinions will help me progress. Hope you enjoy!