Monday, May 27, 2013

Meet the Bookmarks

One thing I learned at the Calgary Comic Expo was to make things small and affordable. I made four bookmarks for the Expo, which were decently popular, but Pins seemed to be the in thing this time around (what with the introduction of eReaders, bookmarks seemed a little old). I do not regret making them, even if books are not as common, it was still very cool to work with a different canvas shape.

First up was a nifty contrast between the ocean surface and the deep sea. I enjoy the concept of bio-luminescence, especially in a place void of light.

Next up is yet another little dragon. I also very much love the insect kingdom, so I wanted to show a mix of my imagination and reality. I like the choice in colours.

I once used to draw a lot of anime inspired work when I was much younger, and even though I have been trying to push it away (many folks in the gaming and comic community do not look highly upon those too inclined to Japanese style artwork). I still believe there can be a lot taken from anime and expanded upon. This bookmark and the next are two of my more "cell shaded" styles.This one was a sort of mermaid.

A little Sylph for between the pages. I would like to redo this one with better wings, but everything else I like about it.

These bookmarks are some of the first pieces of work I had done in full colour. I had always been afraid of colour (perhaps not colour in and of itself, but of my limited experience with it) so it took a lot of effort to make the leap from outlines to colour. I think I made the jump more gracefully than I had expected.

This concludes the bookmark section of my artwork. Next up we'll have some of my full page pictures that I had made for the Expo (as well as a return by someone that I very much love...)

Stay tuned!

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